We have been invaded by Carpenter Bees!
The girls playset outside has about 30-50 Carpenter Bees Swarming all around it. Apparently they Burrow through the wood of the playset like a drill bit and make thier homes in the wood.
These things are HUGE!! The exterminator came and said that he can dust the holes where they've made their nests (many many holes!) with his chemicals but it doesnt necessarily mean that they will go away, they can make new holes! So....what to do what to do? Should we go ahead and treat the playset and hope they go away or get rid of the playset! We really dont want to get rid of the playset but if the chance is strong they will just make new holes then the problem still exists! WWYD???
1 comment:
Hi Christy,
Your girls are really growing up and their pictures are lovely. Thanks for the invite to your Blog.
The bees sound very annoying. You ask WWYD. My opinion is that exterminating is probably less expensive than your playset was. So if the girls still use the playset, I would give extermination a try and then if it doesn't work, consider getting rid.
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